Working with Boaters and Marine Trades for Cleaner Washington Water

Clean and Green Boating Products 101: non-zinc anodes

We’re often asked by boaters about products they can use to reduce their environmental impact while enjoying their boat and the beautiful waters of Puget Sound.  The three major responses are: cleaning supplies, non-copper bottom paint and aluminum/magnesium anodes.  Let’s talk today about anodes.

What are anodes?  They’re sacrificial lumps…

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Are you using a Certified Clean Boatyard yet?

Are you using a Certified Clean Boatyard yet?  A what?  Isn’t that an oxymoron?  Boatyards work with toxic chemicals and are located directly on the water. Isn’t there something inherent in their work that is dirty?

Although the work that is done inside of a boatyard has the potential for…

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